Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Tutorial For Using Eye Lashes


Open a photo editor -
Open a photo
Go to ObjectClick the button and Photograph and open photo(eyeleshes)
you downloaded and put in your eyesclick over the square
and make a corset vertical and horizontal well:

Opacity: almost touching in the left corner
After Straight Line Mode ()
The inclined dash point. And put on the side
Put The Butterfly As Shown

Click photo + objects
Now go to Filter> dark> medium after low
Filter> Noise Reduction (deletes visual)> High
Sharpen> (5)
Filter> effect movie> Movies


1 comment:

Tutorial For Vintage Effect

Vintage Effect - Open PhotoScape -> Editor -> Your Photo - Sharpen ->7 - Filte -> Noise Reuction -> Middle - Filter -...