Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Crop Art

What is CropArt? 

The figures are Cropart style cutouts for collage.

How to download and install: 

First of all, create a folder to receive their CropArt, remember to always leave your materials organized. The CropArt can be found in both individual and zipped packages.For the zipped package, after download, unzipped them, put all CropArt obtained in the folder you created for them. Already CropArt found individually, require a process is quite simple, just save them in the folder you created for them.

How to use? 

O1. Open a photo and click on "Photo> Photo ...", 

navigate to the folder where the CropArtSelect one, 

set in your photo and give "OK".

1 comment:

Tutorial For Vintage Effect

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