Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Tutorial For Lightening Effect

Lightening Effect

Open Photoscape> editor> open a photo
Filter> Noise Reduction> High
Filter> sticker> # 1
Brightness, Color>Deepen> Low
Click above for high-level
Go upstairs to the texture object to open the safe!
Set the opacity to 64 and adjust the texture in the picture,
then click photo + object
Go to start tab
Ctrl + c on the picture!
Go to gif animation and ctrl + v
Return to the editor and click Undo and ctrl + c in the photo
Go to the animated gif and ctrl + v
And save!


  1. i cant understand from here explain for me clearly
    Go upstairs to the texture object to open the safe!
    Set the opacity to 64 and adjust the texture in the picture,
    then click photo + object
    Go to start tab
    Ctrl + c on the picture!
    Go to gif animation and ctrl + v
    Return to the editor and click Undo and ctrl + c in the photo
    Go to the animated gif and ctrl + v

  2. Upstair is the tool bar of photoscape software,then u select Animated Gir the copied image of yours should be paste there in the Add >Add A Photo section....


Tutorial For Vintage Effect

Vintage Effect - Open PhotoScape -> Editor -> Your Photo - Sharpen ->7 - Filte -> Noise Reuction -> Middle - Filter -...